HSC Services Page




  has over 30 warehouses with a total storage capacity of 500,000 metric tonnes.

  provides a fully integrated warehousing services:

Loose Cargo Warehousing

Bonded (Duty Free) Warehousing

General Warehousing

Poison Warehousing

Chemical Warehousing

Cold Room Warehousing

Licensed Manufacturing Warehousing (LMW)

Each warehouse is equipped with specially designed systems:

24-hour all-weather working conditions

40 ft. width metalled roads to cater for a 4-laned traffic

Detached warehouse as a fire resistance measure

High roofing and wider span for better ventilation, capacity, better movement and easy stacking

Ample loading bays

Carpet Piling Floor System for maximum heavy cargo load



Logistics and Cargo Handling


Serving diverse and numerous industry sectors, handles both bonded and non-bonded merchandise of the customers. We handle over 1 Million metric tonnes of all types of packaging and cargo per year.



Value-Added Services


As the leader in warehousing, offers a wide spectrum of value-added services committed to assist the customers to spearhead into the future, namely:

Freight Forwarding

80 Metric Tonnes x 60 Feet Weighbridge

Private Jetty Service

Cargo Refinancing

Licensed Moneylender

Dealing in Handling and Construction Machinery, namely:


Road Rollers

Container Loading Ramps

Mobile Cranes

Rotary Clamps


Salt Business


 produces high quality Pure Dried Vacuum Salt (PDV Salt) through its multi-million salt factory in China. This salt is suitable for human consumption, food industry and other chemical usage.This Pure Dried Vacuum Salt (PDV Salt) contains more than 99.5% of Sodium Chloride (NaCl). It is clean, white, hygienic, free from impurities and free flowing.


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