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Company Profile

Heap Seong Chan Co. Sdn. Bhd. () was incorporated in 1958 and has 50 years of experience in warehousing and logistics business. Its main operations are strategically located at Butterworth and Prai in Penang, besides Kuching in Sarawak.

is an integrated warehousing and logistics service provider with the largest warehousing facilities in Malaysia. It has 6 huge complexes, over 30 ultra-modern warehouses with a total storage capacity of 500,000 metric tonnes. handles annually over 1 Million metric tonnes of all types of packaging and cargo.

Subsidiary Companies

Contact Information

For further enquiries, please contact:-

Telephone: Penang: (6)04 - 33 22 555 (Hunting Line)
  Kuching: (6)082 - 433 733 (Hunting Line)
Facsimile: Penang: (6)04 - 33 22 777
  Kuching: (6)082 - 433 722 
Postal Address: Penang: HSC Complex 1, Jalan Permatang Pauh,
13400 Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia
  Kuching: Sejingkat Point, Jalan Bako, Demak Laut,
93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
E-mail: Penang: hhsscc1958@gmail.com
  Kuching: hsccp6@yahoo.com

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